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CreatE A Unique Delimited String From a Delimited String – Excel Formula Method (by David Hager)

Given a solution has already been provided, is this a challenge to find other solutions? If so, a possible formula for unique alphanumeric delimited values (with Ctrl+Shift+Enter):

=TEXTJOIN(",",,FILTERXML("<x><a>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","</a><a>")&"</a></x>","//a[not(. = preceding::a/.)]"))
Given a solution has already been provided, is this a challenge to find other solutions? If so, a possible formula for unique alphanumeric delimited values (with Ctrl+Shift+Enter):

=TEXTJOIN(",",,FILTERXML("<x><a>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","</a><a>")&"</a></x>","//a[not(. = preceding::a/.)]"))

Looks great, Lori. Thanks! Now I have to figure out how this works :)