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create a diagram with a table of data


i'm looking for fexcel file to draw a diagram (processs or decision tree) from date in a table with excel. Is-it possible? can someone share this?
thanks a lot for your help?


  • Capture d’écran 2020-04-24 à 18.56.02.png
    Capture d’écran 2020-04-24 à 18.56.02.png
    51.9 KB · Views: 15
  • Capture d’écran 2020-04-24 à 18.57.48.png
    Capture d’écran 2020-04-24 à 18.57.48.png
    73.5 KB · Views: 14
There is an add-in that is available from Office 365 that links to Visio to create a few diagram types from a Table.

Alternatively, something that is possible using VBA, is to reverse the process and draw the diagram manually using Shapes ((and connectors) and then use the Shape properties to recreate the table. To create the diagram from the table using VBA would get you into heavy programming when it comes to determining the best layout for elements of the diagram.
There is an add-in that is available from Office 365 that links to Visio to create a few diagram types from a Table.
thanks for this answer, picture are from this add ins but i do not have visio :-(, it cost a lot lol

Alternatively, something that is possible using VBA, is to reverse the process and draw the diagram manually using Shapes ((and connectors) and then use the Shape properties to recreate the table. To create the diagram from the table using VBA would get you into heavy programming when it comes to determining the best layout for elements of the diagram.
ok :-( if someone have a solution even less powerful, i'm still interested :)
:-(, it cost a lot lol
But probably not as much as custom code development. I once read a set of diagrams such as that below and produced a file.

67333 67335

All I managed for output was a tiny fragment of the diagram that I could navigate by clicking boxes.

It took weeks!:(
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