New Member
Hello all,
I have a worksheet that is being handled by other departments to create pivot tables between specific chosen dates that are changeable each month. This sometimes causes problems because of limited experience of the users and they will forget to return the worksheet to its original state or add calculations etc to it.
I tried creating a database, but my brain keeps thinking excel and it is not easy to retrain it.
I want to create another worksheet in the same workbook where they can go into and put a date range into 2 cells and all of the data entry between and including those dates will show up as a pivot table in a specific order.
1/2/2017 to 17/2/2017
Date /CostCode/ Resource /Total Cost
I have created command buttons before, but unsure how i would write this
I have a worksheet that is being handled by other departments to create pivot tables between specific chosen dates that are changeable each month. This sometimes causes problems because of limited experience of the users and they will forget to return the worksheet to its original state or add calculations etc to it.
I tried creating a database, but my brain keeps thinking excel and it is not easy to retrain it.
I want to create another worksheet in the same workbook where they can go into and put a date range into 2 cells and all of the data entry between and including those dates will show up as a pivot table in a specific order.
1/2/2017 to 17/2/2017
Date /CostCode/ Resource /Total Cost
I have created command buttons before, but unsure how i would write this