Saul Espinoza
New Member
Good PM, Excel lovers, greetings and I hope this message find you all safe and healthy!!!!
I need to mod bellow formula so the 2 linked slicers work dynamically on the visualization:
Please see the attached Excel file for reference:
I'd like to get this debug portion of the formula (2/3 dimension array) with comas;
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057","D.Leg. 276","D.Leg. 728","Ley No. 30057","Locador de Servicios","PAC/FAG","Practicante / Secigrista"}" from Calculation!$A$4:$A$10 within below formula;
=SUM(COUNTIFS(OFFSET(INDIRECT("CONSOLIDADO["&$A21&"]"),,,COUNTA(INDIRECT("CONSOLIDADO["&$A21&"]"))),B$20,CONSOLIDADO[[Selecciona tu Régimen Laboral o condición de trabajo / servicio:]:[Selecciona tu Régimen Laboral o condición de trabajo / servicio:]],Calculation!$A$4:$A$10,CONSOLIDADO[[OFICINA]:[OFICINA]],Calculation!$H$5:$H$25))
The second criteria when debug (F9), must be linked to a range that when referenced it will have to return:
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057","D.Leg. 276","D.Leg. 728","Ley No. 30057","Locador de Servicios","PAC/FAG","Practicante / Secigrista"}, separated with comas
and not:
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057";"D.Leg. 276";"D.Leg. 728";"Ley No. 30057";"Locador de Servicios";"PAC/FAG";"Practicante / Secigrista"}, semicolons, which currently return. BTW I switch those semicolons into comas manually from the cell range above, and it work correct, as opposed to linked to a cell range.
So if there is an Excel function(s) Non-VBA that could be embedded that makes this range Calculation!$A$4:$A$10 to return comas, I will appreciate very much your support. I already tried substitute, replace, etc and no luck. Best regards
I need to mod bellow formula so the 2 linked slicers work dynamically on the visualization:
Please see the attached Excel file for reference:
I'd like to get this debug portion of the formula (2/3 dimension array) with comas;
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057","D.Leg. 276","D.Leg. 728","Ley No. 30057","Locador de Servicios","PAC/FAG","Practicante / Secigrista"}" from Calculation!$A$4:$A$10 within below formula;
=SUM(COUNTIFS(OFFSET(INDIRECT("CONSOLIDADO["&$A21&"]"),,,COUNTA(INDIRECT("CONSOLIDADO["&$A21&"]"))),B$20,CONSOLIDADO[[Selecciona tu Régimen Laboral o condición de trabajo / servicio:]:[Selecciona tu Régimen Laboral o condición de trabajo / servicio:]],Calculation!$A$4:$A$10,CONSOLIDADO[[OFICINA]:[OFICINA]],Calculation!$H$5:$H$25))
The second criteria when debug (F9), must be linked to a range that when referenced it will have to return:
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057","D.Leg. 276","D.Leg. 728","Ley No. 30057","Locador de Servicios","PAC/FAG","Practicante / Secigrista"}, separated with comas
and not:
{"CAS - D.Leg. 1057";"D.Leg. 276";"D.Leg. 728";"Ley No. 30057";"Locador de Servicios";"PAC/FAG";"Practicante / Secigrista"}, semicolons, which currently return. BTW I switch those semicolons into comas manually from the cell range above, and it work correct, as opposed to linked to a cell range.
So if there is an Excel function(s) Non-VBA that could be embedded that makes this range Calculation!$A$4:$A$10 to return comas, I will appreciate very much your support. I already tried substitute, replace, etc and no luck. Best regards