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Countif with Multiple Criteria


New Member

Trying to get my spreadsheet to count how many times "LA" occurs in 012 using the following: =COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$1000,">="&DATE(2012,1,1),$B$2:$B$1000,"LA")). Returns incorrect data. By my hand count, there is 69 sepearte occurrences, but the forumla reutrns 52. Any assisance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Your formula appears to be correct. Perhaps there's something odd with the data? Are you sure all the dates are correct? (they are all 2012, and not 1912)

Are there any extra spaces or other characters before/after LA? ("LA" <> "LA ")
Thanks guys. The dates are all good, but there are multiple entries on certain dates. Is the forumula only counting unique instances? if so, how do I get it to count any and all reference to 2012; I tried 2012/**/** with no success? Thank you.
Hi, haznavy!

I checked your formula on a 10 row test values with repeated instances of same date and LA, and it worked perfectly.

I agree with previous comments on your input data.

Can you please upload the file? If necessary check the third of four green sticky topics at this forums main page.

Thank you all very much. Unfortunately, due o the sensitive nature of the data, cannot forward. I was able to figure it by drilling down to specific date ranges eg.


Really appreciate all the assistance......
Glad to hear you got it working, although I am puzzle by your posted solution as you've narrowed the date range and added another criteria (col C = "R")