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COUNTIF with criteria

Dear all,

I want to perform a countif based on criteria. So if one value is the same as the one I type in on my management dashboard the amount of policies issued of that month.

So i'm basically looking for the sumif functionality range; criteria; sumrange) but then in stead of sum if has perform a counta....

Anybody any ideas how I could fix this?

Dear Regards,

If it's like a SUMIF, why not just do a COUNTIF?


or a COUNTIFS perhaps:

@Luke M: thanks for your reply but that does not work. Your solution does not quite work out though. Example of what I’m looking for.

If have several case numbers in column D of the year 2012. In column E i have the month values. Based on the month I put in cell E2. So dependent on the values in cell E2 the amount of cases in fe January etc…


Policy nr. Year Month

123 2011 1

122 2011 1

121 2011 2


And i want to have a count of the amount of policies per month...
To add to what Montrey said, it sounds like either a simply COUNTIF on just the months column if you want to figure out how many policies in a particular month, regardless of year, or it's a COUNTIFS that uses both Month and Year columns.

another question, is the Month column containing actual values of 1-12, or is it a date formatted to just display the month number?
then to get the count of all January's, why does this no work?
