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COUNTIF is not picking up a ":"

My COUNTIF formula is not picking up a colon in cell A3:


There is text on both sides of the colon. The data was downloaded from QuickBooks and the cell is text format. It returns a 0.

What is wrong with my formula?

What about this:


where B1:B4 is the range in question. Executed as an array, by using Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of Enter alone.

There's probably a shorter way to do this...
If you are not counting a range of multiple cells -- and you only want to return a 1 or 0 value, depending on whether A3 includes ":", you could:


or even


without CSE.
I think COUNTIF will not work the way you are trying...

or go with eibi..

My guess from the OP response is that the requirement is to count the number of colons which occur in a range.

COUNTIF, such as the formula suggested by Faseeh, will count the number of cells which contain a ":". If you want to count the actual number of colons then you can use a formula such as:


This formula assumes A3:A100 contains text data types.