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Countif formula


New Member
I am using the Countif formula to extract data from the first worksheet.

The cell contents will be either Assoc CTC, CTC or SR. CTC values and I am wanting to get a total of each one.

On the second worksheet, I am using the following formulas:

=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"*" & "Assoc" & "*")

=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"*" & "CTC" & "*")

=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"*" & "SR." & "*")

Let's say there is 1 entry for each of these in the data base. When looking at the totals, I get 1 response for Assoc, 3 for CTC and 1 for Sr. The middle formula is picking up the CTC entry from the other two for a total of 3 where I nee it to show 1.

Is there a way to modify the middle formula to only pick up the CTC name and ignore the other two?

I would like to do this via Excel if possible. I don't know anything about VBA.


We could just get rid of the wildcards since you know what the 3 values are going to be.

=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"Assoc CTC")


=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"SR. CTC")

or at least remove the wildcards from the middle formula.
Hi Steve ,

Going by the definition of wildcards , the following formula ( your middle one ) :

=COUNTIF(Results!F$3:F$70,"*" & "CTC" & "*")

is supposed to match all three "Assoc CTC" , "CTC" and "SR. CTC" , mainly because of the following usage :

"*" & "CTC" & "*"

Removing the first "*" , and using only "CTC" & "*" , will ensure that "Assoc CTC" and "SR. CTC" are not counted.

Thank you so much !!!

Guess I was looking at it so intently that the obvious was missed. Tried the revision and it works perfectly.

You guys are the best !!

Have a great weekend.