I have countries and in which continet they belong in different cells. Then I also have the name of a country and a number of top schools in every country in different cells. I have to find out how many top schools are in every continent. What formula should I use?
Country Continent
United Kingdom Europe
United States North America
Switzerland Europe
Canada North America
Australia Australia
Hong Kong Asia
Japan Asia
Singapore Asia
France Europe
Denmark Europe
China Asia
Korea, South Asia
Germany Europe
Ireland Europe
Netherlands Europe
Sweden Europe
New Zealand Australia
Finland Europe
Belgium Europe
Russia Europe
Taiwan Asia
Norway Europe
Country # of universities
United Kingdom 19
United States 31
Switzerland 3
Canada 4
Australia 7
Hong Kong 3
Japan 5
Singapore 2
France 2
Denmark 2
China 2
Korea, South 2
Germany 5
Ireland 1
Netherlands 4
Sweden 2
New Zealand 1
Finland 1
Belgium 1
Russia 1
Taiwan 1
Norway 1
# of universities
Africa ?
Asia ?
Antarctica ?
Australia ?
Europe ?
North America ?
South America ?