A ahhhmed Member Oct 22, 2012 #1 Hi all, what formula to use to count the cells that are not empty in a row?
anupamtiwari05 Member Oct 22, 2012 #2 Hi ahhhmed, If I am not wrong, you can use "COUNTA()" formula to know the count of non empty cells in a row. =COUNTA(1:1) Put the above formula in Cell A2 that will give you count of non empty cells in 1st row. However, the below formula will give you the count of empty cells in a row, here its first row. =COLUMNS(1:1)-COUNTA(1:1) Thanks & Regards, Anupam Tiwari
Hi ahhhmed, If I am not wrong, you can use "COUNTA()" formula to know the count of non empty cells in a row. =COUNTA(1:1) Put the above formula in Cell A2 that will give you count of non empty cells in 1st row. However, the below formula will give you the count of empty cells in a row, here its first row. =COLUMNS(1:1)-COUNTA(1:1) Thanks & Regards, Anupam Tiwari
K kaushik03 Member Oct 22, 2012 #3 Hi Hi ahhhmed, I am not sure if I got your question properly. But if you have data(numerical data), say, from A3 to G3(F3 is blank) Now at A6, if I write =COUNT(A3:G3) I will get 6 If you have numeric and text in the range, use =COUNTA(A3:G3) Could you please tell us what exactly you are looking for? Kaushik
Hi Hi ahhhmed, I am not sure if I got your question properly. But if you have data(numerical data), say, from A3 to G3(F3 is blank) Now at A6, if I write =COUNT(A3:G3) I will get 6 If you have numeric and text in the range, use =COUNTA(A3:G3) Could you please tell us what exactly you are looking for? Kaushik
S sdsurzh Member Oct 22, 2012 #4 Hi, Can you please refer the below link for some count functions in excel. http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions04.html Thanks, Suresh Kumar S
Hi, Can you please refer the below link for some count functions in excel. http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions04.html Thanks, Suresh Kumar S
N nazmul_muneer Member Oct 22, 2012 #5 Dear Ahhhmed, I think you are looking for the cells those are not empty. Without any hesitation you can use COUNTA() formula because it considers numerical,text,non visible things everything. Regards, Muneer
Dear Ahhhmed, I think you are looking for the cells those are not empty. Without any hesitation you can use COUNTA() formula because it considers numerical,text,non visible things everything. Regards, Muneer