Hi there, I've read up on counting unique number of entries:
for every unique Level1[/code] entry, on each row. Any help on calculating the third column? I'll keep working on it, thanks in advance
sumproduct(1/countif(A2:A100, A2:A100))
What I'm trying to do now is do this for a dynamic subset of this range.
I'm using Excel's Table features, and it's set up like this:
[pre][code]Level1 Level2 Count of Unique Level2 for each Level1
Water Quantity 2
Water Quantity 2
Water Variance 2
Water Variance 2
Water Variance 2
Health Knowledge 3
Health Knowledge 3
Health Knowledge 3
Health Practice 3
Health Attitude 3
Env ... ...
I want to count unique items in Level2