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count total no. of entries from a table based on multiple criteria


Hello Helpers,

I want to count total no. of entries from a tabular data based on multiple criteria. I tried many formula like countif, sumproduct but it is not working.

I have an excel file containing total 5 sheets.
Original_data, Attendance_data, register, temp and final.

Original_data contains names of workers with their other details in rows.
Row 3 contains code1 and row 4 contains code 2 from F column onwards.
F6 to K15 cells contains value Y or NA means code1 and code2 are applicable or not applicable. This sheet is one time entry.

contains code1 and code2 wise date wise attendance data in table from f20 to wg119.
For example, F column has attendance data for code1 as CF and code2 as DM. Only those short IDs are entered here for whom Y is mentioned in DM CF combination in Original_data sheet. Here, values are 1,3 and 10. In original_data sheet DM CF combination Y is mentioned for Short ID 1, 3 and 10.
This sheet will be updated on daily basis.

Register sheet is a presentation of Attendance_data means it will show P status in front of short ID if his/her number is entered in attendance_data sheet for particular code1 and code2 on a particular date and sr. no.. If for particular worker the status is NA in original sheet, it will display NA. I have done this.

Now I have created temp sheet where it copies Y/NA status for each code1 and code2 combination for all the entries of attendance. This is helper sheet. And it is working fine. I have created this sheet to apply some formula. But didn't worked.

In Final sheet, cell F6 i have tried a formula to calculate total no. of entries containing P in register sheet for ID 1 with code CF and DM.
It should show 1.
Cell K7 should display 2 because for ID 2, PM RD code combination, there are 2 entries of P in register sheet.

Helpers please note that, original_data sheet can contain upto 30 combinations of code1 and code2.
Attendance entries can go upto wg column.

Test file is attached herewith.


  • testing.rar
    537.8 KB · Views: 4
I suggest yo copy everything into a new file. I am not, for one, going to open a huge file from a .RAR - sorry.