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Count colour and text


New Member
I want to know if there is any formula that counts by color and text inside the cell. In the worksheet I have a monthly school schedule, and for example:
On Monday I have at 8.30. Portuguese, at 9.30am. English, at 10:30 a.m. French, etc. Each cell has Portuguese, English and French, and when the student is missing, I paint the cell blue (justified) or red (unjustified) at the time it is missing. What I want is a formula that counts the times when Portuguese is blue or red, just like any other discipline.
Thank you in advance for the possible answers.
Welcome to the forum.

For colour, regular formula won't be able to handle it. You will need to use UDF (VBA) or GET.CELL macro function.
See links below for detail on GET.CELL.


In general, I'd not recommend using colour to track data. Just use one letter code to track attendance.

If further help is needed, upload sample workbook that mirror your actual workbook's set up.
Thank you a lot Chihiro for the return.

If i send you a upload of the work sheet to see if you can help me? althougt from here i can´t upload. if you give me your email, i´ll send it for you.

Thank you very much.
Just desensitize the data and upload here (or in file sharing service like dropbox).

I help in forum so that we all share in learning. Which email does not allow.

If you need to help in desensitizing data. Send me a PM and I'll give you email address there.