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Could someone please help me with a formula?

I currently have the following formula in excel: =IF((V14="N"),"T", IF(AN14>TIME(3,0,0),"T","F")) But, I need to add one more requirement to the formula to return "T" in the second 'if' function. What I need is =if(and(aa30<time(12,0,0), an14>time(3,0,0),"T","F".

However, when I create that formula as shown here: =IF((V14="N"),"T", IF(and(aa14<time(12,0,0),AN14>TIME(3,0,0),"T","F"))) - it's telling me that there is a problem with my formula. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I'm just not seeing it. :(
Parenthesis, probably:

=IF(V14="N","T", IF(AND(AA14<time(12,0,0),AN14>TIME(3,0,0)),"T","F"))
Why don't you use the built-in intellisense?
-> colour hints + "missing" arguments => kind of a give away. Rightfully spotted by Ali.
Thank you, Ali! That is all I had done was put my parenthesis in the wrong place. :( Someday's these things just don't seem to come to me. Thank you so much for your help!