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Cost Info table


Dear All Excel Ninjas,

I have an Cost sheet which contains details like Part No,Part Name,Qty,Vendor,Cost,PO No, PO Date, etc.... Now i wish to create a sheet with unique Part Nos. i have used in main =IF(COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)=1,1,"") on a helper column and put filter on it, select 1 and copy all unique records to another sheet. Now i have to put cost info,vendor info and PO details on that sheet. In main sheet, Part no are repeated and cost is also different. Now in new sheet which i have created, cost info should be come. if the part no. repeated five times, the cost info should display 5 different costs. If i will use VLOOKUP function. then it gives only one value which comes earlier. So how could i get cost details? if A column has the Part nos (unique without repetitions), in D column cost details has to come like dynamic data validation. But i think data validation can't work becoz in my sheet part nos not in sorting order.

Any help will be helpful

Hi Vijay,

How will you display five costs in front of just one Part, i mean you will be inserting it in columns next to it??


Dear Faseeh,

Yes, i just forget to mention that one. I need to display the costs in five columns against one part. I hope you will understand

Hi Vijay,

Please see this file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60644346/Vijay_multiple%20price.xlsx


Dear Faseeh,

Thank you so much, I think it will work, but can you explain the formula =IFERROR(OFFSET(Unsorted!$B$1,LARGE(IF((Unsorted!$A$2:$A$10='Result-Sorted'!$A2),ROW(Unsorted!$A$2:$A$10),),COLUMN(B12))-1,0),"..")
