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Copying specific cells from sheet to another same formated sheet


New Member
Sorry I've tryed and can't seem to grasp how to do it

I need to copy format, formulas and user input data and from A6 to I53 from sheet 1 to sheet 2

heres a link to the file I'm trying modify:



There's 5 other people that will be using it, some would have trouble copying & pasting

It would be nice if it was automatically done for them

on the "invoice" sheet I have to modify it further as well


Good day Ray

Please have a look at the upload it may be what you are after.

Can I ask you how you came up with the solution so that maybe some of it will stick up stairs? :)
Hi Ray,

If you don't want all those zero's on the invoice you could edit those formulas like this in A15


Drag across and down
Good day Ray

Before I go any further I would Like to thank you it is nice when some takes the time and trouble to say that they have the solution and they even say thank you, it is the one thing that tends to tick forum members off...but I think SirJB7 will say some thing about the hero bit :)

If you click in C15 in your second sheet you will see this in the formula bar..=Estimate!C15

If you select the contents of one to the required cell in your new worksheet and enter the = sign in the cell then switch to your workbook/work sheet with the data in and click on the cell with the data and then press enter that will copy the contents. If you do this in the top most cells of a data set in both sheets you will be able to drag fill handles down.
Hi Ray

Oldchippys formula works but you have merged cells if you do not want to have zeros showing in your cells you must unmerge the merged cells.

Merged cells are bad, they screw up your work sheets and formulas.

If you need cells to display things such as titles then :-

Just make sure you have entered the text and selected the correct number of cells and then do the following.

Press Ctrl + 1, in the dialogue box that opens choose “Alignment” tab and in the “Text alignment” section (top left) from the drop down choose “Center across “.