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Copying Interactive, Formatted Worksheets into One Worksheet


New Member
I have created many formatted, different tables/graphics within Excel 2003 worksheets. The goal is to consolidate into just one - MAINTAINING THE GRAPHICS,FORMAT AND TABLES FROM THE ORIGINAL WORKSHEETS.

Just doing a screen shot isn't a option since I want to have these interactive (changing variables) during a presentation.

What specific steps (if any)could capture and maintain these various worksheets into a "master" worksheet?

Thank you!
I'd recommend using the camera tool, rather than moving everything. That way you don't have to worry about formats changes, row/column sizing, etc.

Camera tool explained:


Depending on the variables you're using, you could setup links between the "master" sheet and the various other sheets with the graphics/tables. Then, the picture links created by the camera tool could pull those images back to the master sheet.
Hi, Luke,

Thank you for your quick replay. I did use the camera tool as you suggested, the issue is having interactive cells.

Unless I am missing something, the camera is just like the print screen option.

My goal is to import various interactive spreadsheets WHILE maintaining their original format. That way, there is no need to reformat things (like extensive cell merges, wraps, etc.)

(I thought that I had blundered into a remedy by selecting NEW WINDOW and some combination of "accidental" key stokes. Now I cannot figure out what those key strokes were.

When I did it, however, the new, pasted worksheet retained it interactivity and format within the "Master" worksheet. So, one solution is to figure out those key strokes and/or an alterative method. By doing so, it would free up a lot of time as make an organized, interactive, and attractive Master worksheet.)

Thank you for your help.
Hi OHDookie,

The camera tool is not like a print screen, in that the image changes as the source data changes in real time. Thus, if your user changes a value on the master sheet that would normally cause the chart on another sheet to change, the picture link would show the changed sheet. Note that there are 2 levels of linking in this scenario. You've got the various sheets with images you want linking to input cells on the master sheet, and then you've got picture links on the master sheet linking to the various sheets.

Going with the new window method, you could create several windows of the same workbook and then size them (windows - arrange, or minimize and manually size/move) having them each navigated to the correct sheet/space that you want to view. You could then save the overall layout as a "workspace".
Hi, Luke,

Again, thank you for these remedies. Later today, I will be working on that assignment and will let you know the outcome.

Thank you!