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Copying Embedded Pictures in Comments


New Member
I have photos embedded in comments. Can I use a formula to copy these photos to another worksheet? I ran the following "getComment" add-in that I found in your archives, and it works on text.

Function getComment(incell) As String

' aceepts a cell as input and returns its comments (if any) back as a string

On Error Resume Next

getComment = incell.Comment.Text

End Function

Can this be modified to get the pictures as well? Thanks for your help!
I don't think this is possible, as the picture is usually just a background fill. XL doesn't store the location of where the picture came from, it's a one time operation.

Sorry. =(
Is there another method for embedding photos in cells and having the ability to copy them with formulas? I've looked at some similar topics but am still unclear.
The only method I am aware of for putting a picture in a cell comment is through the method I described. If you are just inserting the picture into the worksheet (not as a comment), then there might be a way to detect the picture's anchor point and copy it somewhere else. It would need to be done using a regular macro, however, and not through a formula.