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Copying data from one excel to anaother


New Member

I am using following vb script to copy data from one Excel Workbook to different Excel's workbook.

I am using two csv files as my source and target.

I want to copy all cells from lets say XPI_Defects.csv and append it to that of CRM_Defects.csv

I am able to copy it for the first run of vb script.

However I am facing two problems.

1> when I run it second time vb script throws warning of Excel has detected that XPI_Defects.csv is SYLK file but can not load it. Either the file has errors or it is not a SYLK file.

2> Also it asks user whether two save file. I want it to be saved automatically without prompting exception.

3> I want to copy all data except first row from XPI_Defects.csv file to CRM_Defects.csv file. How to avoid copying of first row since it is a header of table.

4> How to pass cell or range using a variable?

Could you please help ?

Function fCopy

Set myexl = createObject("Excel.Application")

myexl.Visible = True

'Open a workbook1

Set Workbook1= myexl.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersvichavanDesktopQTP91P1602Excel ScriptsXPI_Defects.csv")

'Open a workbook2

Set Workbook2= myexl.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersvichavanDesktopQTP91P1602Excel ScriptsCM_defects.csv")

Set readsheet = Workbook2.Worksheets("CM_defects")

lastcell = readsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

lastcell = lastcell + 1



Workbook2.Worksheets("CM_Defects").Range("A902").PasteSpecial Paste = xlValues

'Save the workbooks



'close the workbooks




set myexl=nothing

End Function

Thanks in Advance,
