Hi, jjosa!
Never been faced with such issue, so let me think while writing.
You got the image in the clipboard yet, first step ok.
Now how do you move that image to an image control on a userform? The only way is thru the Picture property and the LoadPicture statement that needs a file name with full path.
So the problem is how to generate that file... There are APIs (application program interfaces) that handle clipboard contents... Let me see...
I found them, but why reinventing the wheel? Give a look at this link:
But it doesn't work (it actually hangs badly) in Excel 2010. Maybe it helps you, if I find anything else (or the time to build access to clipboard and copy image) I'll post again.
Good luck.
PS: BTW, I'd recommend you to read the three first green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).
Among them you're prompted to perform searches within this site before posting, because maybe your question had been answered yet.
Feel free to play with different keywords so as to be led thru a wide variety of articles and posts, and if you don't find anything that solves your problem or guides you towards a solution, well, come back here, tell us what you've done, consider uploading a sample file as recommended, and somebody surely will read your post and help you.