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Copy selected ListView row into a Table only once


Hello There,

I have a listview with filled rows. I have 2 buttons 'Create' and 'Update'.

The VBA code should do the following:
1. When a ListView row is selected and the User clicks the 'Update' button then it should copy the selected row to the lastrow in a worksheet ("Sheet1") Table ("Table1")

Copy the ListView data fieldwise, as there are 15 fields in listview and 5 columns in the Table.

If the User double click the row again, it should check if the row exists in the Table. If Yes then give message and do not copy it to the Table.

2.When the user clicks the 'Create' button, it should add a new row in the table ("Table1") in worksheet ("Sheet1")

Below detail:
UserForm = FrmPersons
ListView = ListViewMaster
Worksheet = "Sheet1"
Table Name = "Table1"

Below short example code for your reference.

Could any one advice how this can be achieved using VBA?

Thanks for your help


Dim LstItem As ListItem
Dim RecordSet As ADODB.RecordSet

Sub LVPersons_AddColumnHeaders()

  'Clear Column Headers
  'Add the column headers
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="Person ID", Width:=55
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="Person Type", Width:=67
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="Title", Width:=40
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="First Name", Width:=100
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="Last Name", Width:=100
  FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:="Gender", Width:=50
End Sub

Sub LVPersons_FillListView(p_search As Boolean)
  'Dim LstItem As ListItem
  If Not p_search Then RecordSet.MoveFirst
  While Not (RecordSet.BOF And RecordSet.EOF)
  If RecordSet.EOF Then GoTo DisConnect
  Set LstItem = FrmPersons.ListViewMaster.ListItems.Add(Text:=RecordSet.Fields(0).Value)
  LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=RecordSet.Fields(1).Value
  LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=RecordSet.Fields(2).Value
  LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=RecordSet.Fields(3).Value
  LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=RecordSet.Fields(4).Value
  LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=RecordSet.Fields(5).Value
End Sub