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Copy Paste Exactly


New Member
Hi... I've been trying to figure how to copy and paste exactly what is in a cell without excel changing the reference. For example I want to copy =+'1'!I18 to multiple cells as is. from there i plan to find and replace the sheet reference ('1') to other sheet references but I want the same cell reference. Is this possible? Thanks!
Hi Newfie,

Welcome to the forum, try putting a "
" (Grave Accent-without the quotes) before the equals sign, this turns the formula into text, then you can copy and paste it. You will find the "
" to the left of #1 and above the TAB key on the keyboard.
Hey Old Chippy.... your idea worked. So I did a find and replace on the = with the ~ symbol then copy and paste then find and replace ~ with the =. I was able to process all the cells in question.

Thank you