I have got superb help from here several times.
I want to do a small task.
I have data in on file and I have to update data everyday with new data.
Everyday, I receive a excel sheet with new data and I have to add the data to the file.
To make it easily, I will give a file name.
Copycat is the original file, which I have to keep on updating with new data.
Copyfrom is the file which I receive on daily basis with new data.
I want a macro which will paste copyfrom data to copycat file without opening it.
So for example I opened the copyfrom file, it should find the last used cell in copycat and add the data to copycat file,
I hope you understood
I have got superb help from here several times.
I want to do a small task.
I have data in on file and I have to update data everyday with new data.
Everyday, I receive a excel sheet with new data and I have to add the data to the file.
To make it easily, I will give a file name.
Copycat is the original file, which I have to keep on updating with new data.
Copyfrom is the file which I receive on daily basis with new data.
I want a macro which will paste copyfrom data to copycat file without opening it.
So for example I opened the copyfrom file, it should find the last used cell in copycat and add the data to copycat file,
I hope you understood