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Copy new data from mastersheet


New Member
Hi, I hope that I can explain this in a manner that can be understood.

I have a workbook, in that workbook I have several sheets, these sheets are ranges of dates and employee names, empoyee names in column A1 and dates accross in rows. The sheets have 4 weeks of dates, it is a schedule for employees. What I would like to do is when I have a new employee that I add to my Master Template under row A60 it would update in the same place in all the other sheets. Is this possible? Any assistance that you can provide will be so so appreciated.


  • 2013 SCHEDULE WORKBOOK (2).xlsx
    298.3 KB · Views: 3
Hi RiverStar

If you hold Shift and Click on all the sheets you want (Sheets should highlight in White) while you are in the Master sheet type a persons name in Col A and the result will be the Employee name will be in the same place in all the sheets.

That is the simplest way to do what you want without formula or vb.

Take care

Thank you so much for your response it is so much appreciated, however I tried what you suggested and I get an error response. I attached the document with the error response... I would really appreciate if someone can assist me with this, I didn't think it was so difficult. I just don't know enough about VBA to do it on my own, but I'm willing to learn once I understood what I was doing. Thank you so much Smallman!! :)


  • 2013 SCHEDULE WORKBOOK (2).xlsx
    449 KB · Views: 11

It is all about how you set the file up. Assumption was it was a normal XL file. Try it on this workbook.

Take care
