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Copy data inbetween certain rows and paste as transposed


I have a spreadsheet that has all the data in column A. A special character "|" marks the end of an entry, all entries dont have same number of rows. What i want to do is to copy rows inbetween two "|" characters and paste transposed on another sheet.

See sample worksheet in


Thanks in
Hi vicmoment,

I am not sure whether your requirement can be achieved by formulae.

So, I have done it by writing a macro...please let us know if this fine with you.

Here is the file:


In sheet2 I have placed one button("Import Data from "Book19" Sheet"): Hit this to import the data from "Book19" sheet

In this sheet(sheet2) I have kept row1 for headings, hence data will be pasted from A2


Thanks so much. It works perfectly

Its funny that after posting on chandoo.org, i was then able to write a code to perform the task

see https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B32orugVlNhDT01UeGtsMGhkMmc

See Module 3 in the attached file for the Macro I wrote

I really appreciate this.



Glad to help you....

And I, indeed, like the way you have also solved the problem by using find method of range object in your code.


Good day vicmoment and kaushik03

Mant thanks for uploading your files, helps us all to understand how the solution came about, vicmoment many thanks for your commenting in your vba this really does make it much easier to follow