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Copy an entire webpage to a cell


Hi all,

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet of geographic locations based on (UK) postcodes to make maps with google FusionTables. A website has a search feature that gives me all the information I need: http://mapit.mysociety.org/postcode/[insert postcode here] - what I want to do is have a macro that puts all this information in to a cell in excel, so that when I load it in to FusionTables I can highlight the area on a map, so my spreadsheet would have two columns, "Postcode" and "MapIt Data", and quite a few rows.

Any help would be appreciated here.
Hi, George!

Never used FusionTables, but instead of storing all the information within a cell a link wouldn't do the job?

If so, try this in B2:
=HIPERVINCULO("http://mapit.mysociety.org/postcode/"&A2&".html") -----> in english: =HYPERLINK("http://mapit.mysociety.org/postcode/"&A2&".html")
where A2 has the postcode.

If not and using 2013 version try this in C2:
=SERVICIOWEB(B2) -----> in english: =WEBSERVICE(B2)

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Hi SirJB7 - unfortunately it seems like storing a web link in a cell doesn't cut it (that was my first thought too - nice to know that my thought process was the same as one of the ninjas though) - webservice looks like it does exactly what I need though, thanks.
Out of curiosity - if I weren't using 2013 is there a way to duplicate this functionality in earlier additions of MS Excel? Sorry it seems I posted this in the wrong forum - figured it would be more complicated than that.