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Convert to date


Well-Known Member
In cell I have AB18101XXXXX
AB is not inportant.
18 is Year
101 is day of the year
XXXXX is not inportant
In the offset(,1) cell should be the date.
11/04/2018 in this case
Thanks in advance.
B3 is Your 'cell'
You could use this:
=DATE(2000+MID(SUBSTITUTE(B3,"X",""),3,2)-1,12,31)+ MID(SUBSTITUTE(B3,"X",""),5,99)
Hi Vletm,
Thanks for your time.
This is what i was looking for.
How would that work, if You try to get 2nd day of that Year? (AB181XXXXX)
... or would there be some rules of that which You would like to convert?
All matters!