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Convert Multiple CSV file to xls or xlsx


Active Member
Hi Friends,

I am having more than 100 csv files in a folder. I want to convert into xls or xlsx . How can i do. I need any macro or batch file to do this. Kindly anyone help on this.

Thanks in Advance..... :)
Hello Syed
Put your CSV files in folder named "Test" and put the following code in the same path of the folder
    Dim fPath  As String, fPathDONE As String, fCOUNT As Long
    Dim fName  As String, fType    As String
    Dim fAfter As String, NwName    As String
    fPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Test\"
    If Right(fPath, 1) <> "\" Then fPath = fPath & "\"
    fPathDONE = fPath & "\Converted\"
    MakeFolders fPathDONE
    fName = Dir(fPath & "*.CSV")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Do While Len(fName) > 0
        NwName = Left(fName, InStrRev(fName, ".") - 1)
        Workbooks.Open fPath & fName
        ActiveSheet.Name = NwName
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fPath & NwName & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
        Name fPath & fName As fPathDONE & fName
        fCOUNT = fCOUNT + 1
        fName = Dir()
    MsgBox "A Total Of " & fCOUNT & " Files Were Processed"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function MakeFolders(MyStr As String)
    Dim MyArr  As Variant
    Dim pNum    As Long
    Dim pBuf    As String
    On Error Resume Next
    MyArr = Split(MyStr, "\")
    pBuf = MyArr(LBound(MyArr)) & "\"
    For pNum = LBound(MyArr) + 1 To UBound(MyArr)
        pBuf = pBuf & MyArr(pNum) & "\"
        MkDir pBuf
    Next pNum
End Function