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Convert function string into formula


New Member
After multiple fruitless searches I'm turning to the experts.
I'm using Excel 2016 32-bit stand-alone (not 365)
I have a table with snippets of formulas, which I'd like to access through a lookup formula in order to construct larger formulas.
In the spreadsheet attached, tab "Table" has the formula snippets while tab "usage" has the XLOOKUP areas and data. Using the VBA

>>> use code - tags <<<
Function Eval(strTextString As String)
     Eval = Evaluate(strTextString)
End Function

I'm showing that I have a solution for the simplest of snippets, but how do I create and retrieve snippets such as those shown in column "What I need to see" - note that, for instance, for (g4-j4)-h4 the number corresponds to the row that it's on, etc.
Thanks very much for any guidance.


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I do not think I understand the purpose of this construct. There are better ways of referencing a cell on the same row as the formula than constructing an address as text and using VBA. The formula snippets could also be inserted into a CHOOSE or SWITCH function if you need to switch formula by entering data.

Why does XLOOKUP appear within an Office 2016 file? LOOKUP would seem to do what you require.
First of all, thank you very much for your response.
My example was a simplification of my problem, which was perhaps not explained sufficiently. To be more complete, in a table, the value in a certain cell depends on formulas which are themselves selected as a function of values in different cells on the same row. Here's the inelegant way I have addressed one such calculation so far:


What I was trying to do is to go find a snippet of formula from a list driven by value of a cell.
Also I want the snippets to be dynamic, in the sense that the "3" in the example be the number of the row. I don't see how CHOOSE or SWITCH can be used for that .

As for XLOOKUP, I just discovered this function yesterday and want to start using it as it seems very rich; I downloaded ExcelDna.XFunctions.xll from github site and inserted it into my Excel version.
I tend to add meaning to any workbook by using defined names (I haven't used a direct cell reference since somewhere about 2014) so my methods are probably not for you. I prefer column names and dynamic array formulas but also use formulas that apply to a list within a Table. In the latter case the structured reference to a cell on the same row is of the form =Table1[@ColumnName]. One can also use intersection, explicit
= thisRow ColumnName
or implicit
= ColumnName [traditional method]
=@ColumnName [dynamic array]
A name can also refer to a relative reference to a cell on the same row (or next row)
CallStatus: =$S3
so that the condition might read
= (CallStatus="CoveredCall")

What these reference methods provide is a way of referencing data without using the construct "S"&ROW().

All this has most likely been of no use to you. My advice would be do not follow the route you have outlined but others may disagree,
Peter, thank you very much, this suggestion opens an avenue, which I will pursue.
At least intellectually, I'm curious if what I was trying to do ("dynamic snippets" ) is possible in Excel.
If you give Evaluate a valid formula string then your idea should work. I have used it to break an array into a sequence of calculations based upon the individual elements of the array but I would only use Evaluate as a last resort for a calculations that cannot be performed using standard worksheet formula.