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ex:23 hours, 23 minutes and 3 seconds . I want it to convert into seconds.

I want it for the exact question above. I have an excel where i need to convert them.The other examples are 2 seconds, 34 minutes and 23 seconds, 2 minutes and 3 seconds. How to solve this. I have used left, if and right formulas to convert but its not working properly.

Thanks in Advance

I take it you have the literal text, and not something like 23:23:03 as a time value?

Also, is your last example really have the word "Seconds" twice? So far, I think your workbook has this:

23 hours, 23 minutes and 3 seconds

23 seconds, 2 minutes and 3 seconds

2 seconds, 34 minutes

and you want the output of:




Can you confirm that this interpretation is correct?

Try following

=INT(A1*3600)&"Sec "&INT(A2*60)&" Sec "&MOD(A3,60)&" Sec"

A1= cell for Hours in your case 23hours

A2= cell for Min in your case 23 min

A3= cell for sec in your case 3 sec

Try answer will be 86400Sec 1380 Sec 3 Sec

I hope it helps
Hi, rohs

Give a look at this file:


It works with any normal and logical time expression. I made many variations with your data and doesn't work properly when found more than 1 hours, minutes or seconds within the phrase.

Hi, roshan.vidapanakal!

Did you have the chance to check my uploaded file? Does is works for you?
