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Control printer in macro with excel 2010


New Member
I would like to run a macro that prints to a printer that is not default. When I record the macro and change printers, nothing shows up in the macro.

Something like ...

Dim Q As Variant, myprinter As Variant, myp As String
myp = Application.ActivePrinter
Q = MsgBox("Your Active Printer is ~ " & Left(Application.ActivePrinter, InStr(myp, " on")) & _
            vbNewLine & "Hope! You don't wish to change it.", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Printer")
    If Q <> vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
        myprinter = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show
        myp = Application.ActivePrinter
            If myprinter <> False Then MsgBox "Now, Active printer is ~ " & _
                    Left(Application.ActivePrinter, InStr(myp, " on")), vbInformation, "New Printer"
    End If

or share your workbook & we will arrange a workaround.