I'm not that versed in VBA, but I googled some examples and managed to combine various VBA's to get me where I need to be. However, I'm coming across an issue where one PivotTable is not refreshing depending on where I place it in the code structure.
Summary of what I'm trying to achieve:
Show Current Month and Year-to-Date for two different data tables. However, I want the user to be able to select from a drop down (created through data validation) and based on their selection the Current Month will be selected in the Pivot Table's "Month" filter and Year-to-Date will select all the prior months + Current Month.
i.e. Drop Down selection is March
The Month filter for the Current Month Pivot Table will select March
The Month Filter for the Year-to-Date Pivot Table will select January, February, and March
The beginning of the code below is to trigger the macro if a certain cell is changed (cell with the data validation). The Year-to-Date coding only reads January,February,March in order to select all those months and only scans for values and not formulas. Which is why there is a copy and paste script.
Sorry for the essay, but I figured the more info the better.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm not that versed in VBA, but I googled some examples and managed to combine various VBA's to get me where I need to be. However, I'm coming across an issue where one PivotTable is not refreshing depending on where I place it in the code structure.
Summary of what I'm trying to achieve:
Show Current Month and Year-to-Date for two different data tables. However, I want the user to be able to select from a drop down (created through data validation) and based on their selection the Current Month will be selected in the Pivot Table's "Month" filter and Year-to-Date will select all the prior months + Current Month.
i.e. Drop Down selection is March
The Month filter for the Current Month Pivot Table will select March
The Month Filter for the Year-to-Date Pivot Table will select January, February, and March
The beginning of the code below is to trigger the macro if a certain cell is changed (cell with the data validation). The Year-to-Date coding only reads January,February,March in order to select all those months and only scans for values and not formulas. Which is why there is a copy and paste script.
Sorry for the essay, but I figured the more info the better.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
' The variable KeyCells contains the cells that will
' cause an alert when they are changed.
Set KeyCells = Range("D4")
If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) _
Is Nothing Then
'Copy A Range of Data
'PasteSpecial Values Only
Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
'Clear Clipboard (removes "marching ants" around your original data set)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
If Intersect(Target, Range("E1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Target = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim PField As PivotField
Dim ThisMonth As String
Set pt = Worksheets("MgrTools").PivotTables("MTD")
Set Field = pt.PivotFields("MonthName")
NewCat = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("D4").Value
'This updates and refreshes the PIVOT table
With pt
Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
Set pt = Worksheets("MgrTools").PivotTables("YTD")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("MonthName")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("Off Premise")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("Off Premise by Region")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("On Premise")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("On Premise by Region")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("General1")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("General2")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("General3")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
Set pt = Worksheets("RAD_Ad-hoc").PivotTables("General4")
Set PField = pt.PivotFields("Month")
ThisMonth = Worksheets("MgrTools").Range("E1").Value
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Items_Array = Split(Target, ",")
With pt
Application.EnableEvents = False
With PField
For i = 1 To .PivotItems.Count
matchfound = False
For j = 0 To UBound(Items_Array, 1)
If .PivotItems(i) = Items_Array(j) Then
matchfound = True
End If
Next j
If matchfound Then .PivotItems(i).Visible = True Else .PivotItems(i).Visible = False
Next i
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub