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consolidate tables in word and copy it to Excel sheet


Dear All,

I have around 20 word documents and each containing 9 tables. I want to copy all tables from all files into an excel sheet.

This is required to consolidate the performance rating.

Can you guys suggest me a way to get it...?

Thanking you in advance,

Hi, Dee!

Killing the guy who created 180 tables in Word without keeping a copy in Excel is an option?

If not, two questions:

1) all the tables in all docs have the same structure (number of rows & cols)?

2) if not, each of the 9 tables have the same structure along all docs?

Can you please upload a sample file of two or three docs?

Good day SirJB7

You mentioned two options..you left out the third... a big, very big stick, number one tool in teaching office basics.
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)c!

Good day for you too. Let's say your third alternative it's halfway between mines. But considering the huge number of 180 tables, wouldn't you be prompted to skip this intermediate step?


In my working life there has been many many times I would have liked to jump the your opening line option, unfortunately we have laws that prohibit the throttling the life out of turnip heads
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)c!

Oh, I now remember... "That" little issue... laws, claims, sues, jails, and so on.

Then let's start with the stick... but (remember that there's always a but, at least) might be of the entire trunk of a sequoia sized?

My law teacher used to say "it's the same if you stole a penny than a million". Well, it's not exactly the same, but (bis) assume that in this case it is.

Dear All,

Enjoyed reading your postings...but disappointed for not getting the answer for the problem.


For your query...

Yes, all the tables in all docs have the same structure (number of rows & cols)each of the Yes, all 9 tables have the same structure along all docs
Hi, Dee!

Maybe a sample file? I'm disappointed too for not having one at least, as required for trying to help avoiding your disappointment.

Sorry, i missed sending the link...

IF this didnt work you need to suggest where i can upload the files


Hi, Dee!

I won, the fight's over, it was hard but I succeeded... A little messy downloading from FileFactory. Got the files, give me some time to play a little with them.

Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines. I'd recommend you to use DropBox or a similar service, it's much simpler to up/down-load files.

Hi, Dee!

Besides they dowloaded as 'sample1.doc' and so, with apostrophes, after renaming them and opening... I noticed that the tables are all the same, a qualification form.

But the qualification data is a circle around the number!

I don't know if it's possible to get that working into an Excel file as you requested.

Better give me a couple of days instead of some time, and while playing with them... would you please tell the user that created the docs that I'll go directly to my very first option? If Bobhc happens to read this, I think we'd be going together to "talk" to that person.

Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Did you happen to download and open one file at least? I strongly recommend you to do it.

In the meanwhile, I'm adding a nailed logo for marking the cattle.

SirJB7...."Did you happen to download and open one file at least? I strongly recommend you to do it".....??????
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Just an invitation to open one doc and see what kind of issue I should face.

Hi, Dee!

Would you believe me if I tell you that I forget everything about this? Oh, what such an intense weekend...

I apologize, let me come back and read it again.


PS: If the KeyMaster forgot his password, why can't I forget a topic? :)