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Consolidate multiple Pivot Tables in a master Pivot table


New Member
Hi all,

I have an access database and some connections that pull the data from a server, then I have an Excel document that is showing me individual pivot tables for each report, I need to consolidate those Pivot tables in a master one, I don't have the raw data and I know how to get it from the existing pivot but manually, I need to be able to use the Refresh All button and have the master pivot updated.

Thank you in advance,

Good evening edier_ramirez

You say you have one excel document that gives you individual pivot tables from individual reports on the one workbook. Can you not select all the individual sets of data and make one pivot table, this will update when the feeding reports are updated.

You could make one master report in Access that would do as you require
Hi edier_ramirez,

Might this link help you:

