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In A2 I have a drop down list of 4 choices.

in A3 I want to put a formula that changes when the choice in A2 changes; eg

in A3 if the choise is CHOICE1 then the formula is ( sum b2:b5 ), if it is CHOICE2 then the formuls is (if B6=7,C7,""), etc. so that the formula changes with the change of the choices. How can do this?
Hi ,

Use the IF statement.

I assume that what you want in A3 is the result of the 4 different formulae , and not the formulae themselves i.e. if =SUM(B2:B5) gives a result of 37 , then when the first option in A2 is selected , then A3 should contain the value 37 , and not the text =SUM(B2:B5).

Assume that the choices in A2 are choice_1 , choice_2 , choice_3 and choice_4.

Assume your formulae are formula_1 , formula_2 , formula_3 , formula_4.

Your formula in A3 should be :


For example , you have said :

formula_1 is =SUM(B2:B5)

formula_2 is =IF(B6=7,C7,"")

Replace these formulae in the above template :


Note that the inner IF do not have the "=" sign.
