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Conditional formula from embedded Table


New Member
hello, here is a screenshot. basically i merged 2 tables based on a matching ID, so for each ID it creates a table of all matching entries... what I want to do is create a formula for each new Column that looks at the 'Date' column of embedded Table and test if certain conditions are met. The column headers has the condition.... there is a "Blood Date" in main table i need to refrence as well

*see screenshot, ("Date" referes to Date in embedded Table)
column3, Called NovDec = if Date is < Jan 1 2023 then 1 else 0
column4, Called Jan = if Date is > Jan 1 2023 AND before Jan 31,2-23 then 1 else 0
column5, Called Feb before Blood Date = if Month(Date )='Feburary" AND Date <= "Blood Date" then 1 else 0
column6, Called Feb after Blood Date = if Date > "Blood Date" then 1 else 0

im just not sure the syntax to refer to embedded table. tahnks for any help with these formulas


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