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Conditional formula can highlight SUNDAYS from 2 different years.?


I have data in Column A,

From A4(12-Oct-11) to A346(31-Oct-12). some rows are blank in between.

A4 started date from 2011.

I have tried here =TEXT($A1,"DDD")="Sun"

But, Not get exact result. It is giving exact result in one year only.

Help me please.

Select all the dates and select conditional format and select use a formula to determine which cells to format then paste the below formula.

=WEEKDAY(A1)=1 (change the text or background format which ever you like)


Suresh Kumar S

Please download the below file (will highlight only sundays)



Suresh Kumar S
Double-check the data and make sure they are all correctly entered as dates and now some weird text. Both the TEXT and WEEKDAY formula should have produced correct results. There must be something else going on that we're not aware of.
Hello Suresh Kumar,

Please check below given link. Formula is Ok, but how can't i get result?


Thanks with Regards.

You have applied conditional formatting to entire column A. In that case, the formula should be =WEEKDAY(A1)=1
Oh.. Hello Key Master..

It's my pleasure that you reply for me..

I am surprised, but when i use =WEEKDAY(A1)=1 and click on APPLY button. It was showing wrong sunday. After that i have double check and it was surprising. Formula was changed it self (=WEEKDAY(A1048574)=1) after that i have correct formula again and apply.. The result is that what exact i want.

Thanks a lot Key Master, Thanks a lot Luke M for giving me Double check Idea..

Thank you very much.
Hi Bhasoriya,

Please download the below file now i have corrected the conditional format from your file.



Suresh Kumar S