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Conditional Formatting


New Member
When using the in-built Conditional Formatting tool, is it possible to actually alter text in the selected cell or can you only do the things such as font change, fill/border colour etc. For example, if I had the word "OLD" in Cell A1, can I use CF in A1 to change it's contents to "OLD ANIMAL" if it found the word "DUCK in B1?
Hi novice007,

I don't think that is possible. Conditional formatting only work when it found certain change, you need to define it in a cell via formula then CF could work. Lets say IF(A1="Duck","Old Animal","") then CF could be used to format cell if this formula results in "Old Animal". (That's my humble opinion)


Hello Novice007. Use the index & match function for your problem.

Please upload a sample file if you would like some help on this. If not, google the index function.