Hi Dears!
i have sheet with room number i would like to highlight the row room wise but condition is one room should highlight and next should remain same then next should highlight and so on.
attached the sheet with manual result
An alternative strategy that doesn't require the use of an accumulated helper column is to use a visually 'strong' border style and have the conditional formatting replace it with something more muted when the room number is the same as the next.
Was the your comment or my anticipated reply?
I think that conditional formatting needs a major update. If you try to apply a conditional format to a named range (any range, not even a dynamic range) and does it do what you request? Not a chance; the name gets replaced by one of those sordid little expressions with dollars & colons -- and letters used where any sane person would put a numeric column index!
If you want a slightly out of the ordinary conditional format, try applying the formula =isDynamicArray? to the range =R1:R1048576, where 'isDynamicArray?' is defined to refer to = ISREF(Sheet1!RC DArray#)
Then just sit back and watch the dynamic array ebb and flow!