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Conditional Formatting, second rule not applying


Essentially I have a monster spreadsheet that need to do one of thre things.

Highlight 3 columns in Red if Actual date is greater than Target. This works in the attached.
Highlight 3 columns in Green If target matches actual. This doesn't work?
No highlighting if not any of the above.

One further issue is that "Applies to" selection box will not let me remove the absolute $ against the Row number, if the spreadsheet grow this means I have to change the value, something I would rather not do.

It is not clear to me why the rules are not applying as intended? or whether I need an ISBLANK first with "Stop if True" as what I thought should be the easy part is not playing nice.


  • Conditional Formatting Dates.xlsx
    9.8 KB · Views: 5

You simply have some stray quotes in your formula for the green condition. All you need to do is remove the quotes to correct the display of the formatting. As far as the row number in the "Applies to" section, you can edit the end row to the max you expect to use (or 1048576 as the last available row).

Hope that helps.

Gents, thanks for the help, it's always so frustrating when you know it should work and you cannot spot your own error. Somendras formula is elegant as it removes the need for an ISBLANK and does the job perfectly.

Thank you both.