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Conditional Formatting Question


New Member
I'm trying to write a rule to track invoices I send out. I want it to track when they're current, overdue and paid. I was able to write a rule for it to say current or overdue, but I'm having a hard time adding the paid statement into it. Here's what I started with:

=IF(K4>=L4,"Current","Past Due")

Column K is the current date
Column L is the invoice date + 30 days

I was playing around with it some more and got it to this point, but when there's a cell that doesn't have a date in column Z, instead of it saying Current or Past Due, it says False. There is information in all the correct columns, how can I correct this?

=IF(AND(K17>=L17,"Current","Past Due"),IF(Z17>=J17,"Paid"))
Normal as your AND condition is not TRUE so just review your condition, the second IF seems useless …​
I added the second IF since the conditions are different for formulating that rule.

I'm still not sure how to review the condition and correct it.
Elaborate with details your conditions as I can't catch any logic …​

I'm trying to write a condition that says if the date in column L is less than the date in column K, then it will say "Current" in column Y; if the date in column L is greater than the date in column K, it will say "Overdue" in column Y; but if there is a date in column Z then column Y will say "Paid".
So the first IF must be on column Z condition and its false part must be the second IF on column L vs column K, AND is useless …​