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Conditional Formatting - one cell for the entire row


New Member
Dear Chandoo Forum,

In the past, this forum has been very helpful - so thank you again for that.

Scenario :

I have column (let's say column A) where all the cells are conditionally formatted to be highlighted a certain colour, if a certain condition is met - blue if that condition, yellow if that condition, etc ... otherwise no highlight if none of the conditions are met.

Let's say the table has 4 columns.

One way of posing the question :

When a cell in column A is highlighted (whatever the condition and relevant colour), how can I cause the other cells in that row to also be highlighted the same colour ?

Another way of posing the same question :

Let's say that cell A22 is highlighted blue because the relevant condition is met; and cell A33 is highlighted yellow because the relevant condition is met

How can I also cause cells B22, C22, and D22 to be highlighted blue; and cause cells B33, C33, and D33 to be highlighted yellow ?

Kind regards,
You can try this:
Use the mixed reference style like $A2=Condition -> Color Blue, same for any other color and use the applied range as $A$2:$D$rowN.
Thank you very much for that.

Before your advice, I had been using the "Format only cells that contain" criteria, but it does not seem to allow for the entire row to be conditionally highlighted.

When I switched to the "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" ($A2=Condition as you suggested), it worked just fine.

It seems odd that this should be the case - as I used the same range ($A$2:$D$rowN) in both instances. If I'm missing something, then I'm ready to learn.

Kind regards,
Thank you very much for that.

Before your advice, I had been using the "Format only cells that contain" criteria, but it does not seem to allow for the entire row to be conditionally highlighted
Glad to help. Part of the reasons of being here.
As the name suggests it only format cells that contain a value.

It seems odd that this should be the case - as I used the same range ($A$2:$D$rowN) in both instances. If I'm missing something, then I'm ready to learn
Not really. The condition does not apply on the range, only to the cells in column A. The formatting is on the applied range.
So actually it's very logical and .... Hmmm, expliciet excel like.