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Conditional Formatting of Expiring Dates


I just tried to use the conditional formatting that Chandoo sent out for my problem below but I could not get it to work.

Lets say you wanted to set a conditional format for dates from 10 months then 11 months the expired after the 365 days or 1 year from now?

So if the date is set to 1 June 2012 on 1 April 2013 the cell turns orange and on 1 May 2013 the cell turns Yellow then on 1 June 2013 it turns Red to indicate that it has expired.
Hi, rbobcat1!

You have to set three CF with this structure, changing xx by the number of months to 12, 11 & 10, in this order:

=HOY()>=FECHA(AÑO(A2);MES(A2)+xx;DIA(A2)) -----> in english: =TODAY()>=DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+xx,DAY(A2))

i got part of it to work. the part i couldn't was the formula for 9 months, it changes all dates from 1 month to 9 months yellow