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Conditional Formatting - Highlight First 6 non-zero cells in range


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to highlight the first 6 non-zero cells in a range via conditional formatting.

I have a test row from A1:L1 with the following values in:


The cells that should be highlighted are those with the values 1,2,3,4,5,7

I was successful in highlighting all cells greater than 0 with the below formula:


I then modified it using the SMALL function to return the first 6


This worked on the sheet itself, but conditional formatting won't take static Arrays, so I modified it further by adding in a named range:


The named range "test" was setup as ={1,2,3,4,5,6}

Again, this worked on the sheet itself, but not with the conditional formats.

Any ideas how to get around this?
With A1:L1 selected, and A1 being the active cell, CF formula is:

Wow, I must say it didn't occur to me to anchor the range like that with COUNTIF.

Very elegant solution, thanks very much.