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Conditional Formatting Help- Date Ranges


New Member
I work for a city police department and am responsible for doing verifications for sex offenders which occur yearly in the window of 30 days before/after the offender's birthday each year. The offender is responsible to contacting me to schedule an appointment but I am trying to create a worksheet to help track who should be calling me to do so and who is past due. I have created a worksheet that has a column (G) with their next verification date and would like for the entire row to be highlighted as follows:

Yellow for offenders within their 60 day window (30 days before to 30 days after their verification date)
Red for offenders past their 60 day window (more than 30 days after their verification date)

Below is a basic outline of what I am making. I want the entire row to be highlighted yellow if TODAY is between 30 days before the value in column G and 30 days after that value. I then want it to be highlighted red if TODAY is more than 30 days past the date in column G.

I have tried different conditional formatting formulas but cant seem to get it right.

All information is completely made up for learning purposes.


will give you within 30days


or 2007, 2010 , 2013 , 2016 , 2019 or 365 Subscription excel version
Conditional Formatting

Highlight applicable range >>
A2:G100 - Change, reduce or extend the rows to meet your data range of rows

Home Tab >> Styles >> Conditional Formatting
New Rule >> Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Edit the Rule Description: Format values where this formula is true:

Format [Number, Font, Border, Fill]
choose the format you would like to apply when the condition is true
OK >> OK

repeat for


  • cond-frmt-ETAF.xlsx
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