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Conditional formatting formula lost after multiplying values by 1 to convert to number format

On sheet 1, I have a conditional format formula applied to column D.

Conditional Formatting Window.png

The values in column D turn red because the VLOOKUP doesn't recognize these values in column I even though they are there. The reason is because the values in column D are formatted as text instead of number. So far so good.

Because the values in column D are really in column I, and I want the values in column D to be recognized by the VLOOKUP, I need to convert column D to number format.

On sheet 2, I copy the '1' in cell F3, select D7:D26, right click > Paste Special > Multiply. The values in column D are no longer red because they match column I. While this is what I want, I noticed that after multiplying by '1', when I go back and check column D for my conditional format formulas, they are no longer there.

Why did the CF formulas disappear? How can I retain them after multiplying column D by '1?'


  • Chandoo.org (Conditional Formatting).xlsx
    15.3 KB · Views: 2
this may work in cond formt


the *1 OR +0 should change the text to a number


  • Chandoo.org (Conditional Formatting) -ETAF.xlsx
    15.2 KB · Views: 3
this may work in cond formt


the *1 OR +0 should change the text to a number

Brilliant. I couldn't get it to work the way you did it, so I tried multiply by 1 right after the VLOOKUP and it worked.
