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Conditional Formatting for formula


New Member

I use a template where in i am putting various values and then derining ratios on my output cell, at times people using the template fiddle with formulas and i am unable to detect them. Locking of the cells is one option for me, however due to technincal reason i cannot to that. I adopted conditional formating in these cells but it does not seem to be working. For example if i give conditional formating to higlight the cell if the formula is not equal to the orginal formula which i have used, the color chnages however the color of the cell does not chnage incase i am linking this formula to another cell. I do not want to use VBA as it make my task more cumbersum. Please suggest a solution to this
Excel by itself can not read a formula within a cell, only the value that is calculated.


I know you said no VB, but could we use a UDF? It would be stored in the VB, but you wouldn't be running an actual macro.

The best option would really be to lock the cells. No chance of using this option, though?

Last resort, use a separate sheet. Have all the real formulas be on this sheet, then hide the sheet. For places where the end user needs to see the value, have a simple "link" formula that looks on the hidden sheet.
Building on Luke M's suggestion, my guess is that if a formula is changed, the result would not be the same as first intended. you can use the hidden worksheet or helper column(s) to compare the original result.

if the results are different, you can use conditional formating to hi-light the cells (seeing worksheet or hidden worksheet, or both).