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Conditional formatting for a row


I have a range of up to 5000 cells in a row. The data has been pasted into excel from a pdf document. I want to select the entire row and have cells highlighted if the number in the cell is less than a specific number - this will change for different sheets. It could be anywhere between 3 and 6. Some of the cells in the selected row will be blank. I can't figure how not to have the blank cells not being included in the formatting. Again any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Sue ,

Suppose your data is in the range C5:DZ5 ; select this entire range , and enter the following CF formula :




and choose the colour fill to be applied.

Thanks Narayan - the first one worked.

what is the difference between C5 and C$5 What does the $ do?

Hi Sue ,

Nothing , unless you wish to apply the formatting to more than one row.

If you wish to apply the above formula to more than one row , then C$5 will apply the formatting to every row based on what it finds in row 5 ; if it is C5 , then every row will be formatted based on the values in that row.
