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Conditional formatting - error report


New Member
Hello all,

I have created a table with 31 columns. One of the cells has 2 Conditional formatting rules in it and one of the cells is a drop down list dependent on what was inputted in the previous cell.

When I try to add a new row in the table and save - the error report appears saving there are too many characters to save the sheet. As soon as I delete the above 2 items from the table, there is no longer an issue.

This does not seem overly complex to me and am surprised it will not save. Does anyone know if I can condense the Conditional formatting so that it does not exceed the 8192 character limit?

Hi Charles ,

If the two CF rules are deleted , there is no problem with the worksheet !

I suggest you continue working the worksheet , without these rules , and then consider introducing the rules at some later stage , when the worksheet is more populated with data. In the process , you will go through other problems ; getting bogged down at this initial stage is going to take up a lot of time , which distracts you from your real work !
