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Conditional Formatting comparing multiple dates


New Member

I hope that someone is able to help me. I have gone to several places online and I cannot find the answer. I would like to use conditional formatting. I need to compare the dates in six consecutive columns (example H9:M9) and the one with the most recent date needs to turn yellow. In these six columns it is possible for them to be blank or contain NA, which would be ignored. Can someone help me figure this out? Thank you so much!
Hi, jrfii!

First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.

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As per your question, enter this as CF formula for H9:M9 :

=H9=MAX(SI(ESNUMERO($H9:$M9);$H9:$M9;"")) -----> in english: =H9=MAX(IF(ISNUMBER($H9:$M9),$H9:$M9,""))



Maybe I'm been using this feature since Visicalc but I never noticed this subtle detail.

For checking the above issue I used a help cell in N9 as:

{=MAX(SI(ESNUMERO(H9:M9);H9:M9;""))} -----> in english: {=MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(H9:M9),H9:M9,""))}

Array formula entered of course with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter.

When entering the CF formula:

=H9=MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(H9:M9),H9:M9,""))} -----> in english: =H9=MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(H9:M9),H9:M9,""))

I entered it as a normal formula as usual, and as usual I didn't notice that in fact it was an array formula.

Being a normal procedure it's been always unseen for me, so digging a little I found this:


where it says that effectively Excel treats all formulas as array formulas in CF. Who knew it, explicitely? Not me, even using it everyday.

Additional references here:

